2 Months Have Passed Since You Passed.........

1955 October - 2012 March

Created by Gary 12 years ago
08/05/2012 - 2 Months or 8 Weeks how ever its said that's how long Gary & Michelle & Simba have been with out you Dionne. I could say or use the old cliches, Life goes - Times a great healer - it will get easier. and may be all of those statements are true & total bollocks all at the same time, Because life does go on obviously, BUT LIFE, Going on without you is the Difficult part because what ever we do where we go our lives no longer includes you Dionne and i miss that, to speak to you to laugh, shout or just see you I still think you are there in the physical form I know you are there in spirit ITS NOT THE BLOODY SAME , I come home to an empty house only simba is my friend now - I have no one no friends no one to talk to I WISH I WAS DEAD TOO - when you died so did I because this is unbearable it is not getting easyer I am just faking it most of the time I am lost i am afraid - I have to get used to being on my own i know, but I am having real trouble coming to terms with that. I LOVE YOU FOREVER DIONNE WATTS - R I P XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX